Originally from Buffalo NY, Migella Accorsi is an established and respected fashion and portrait photographer. Currently residing in Los Angeles, Migella has rapidly established herself, allowing her to expand her talents in a wider range of the film and photography industry. Having a simplistic, well balanced and craft-fully composed technique Migella also invites themes from her eduction in Anthropology and international missions trips into her photography; bringing powerful levels of depth and insight into her subjects and themes. Migella not only has experience in tour photography for 6LACK, but has shot campaigns for some of the largest fashion brands, including: Conserve, DGK, Vapor95 and Rip n Dip, amongst others. She has had solo independent exhibitions in numerous galleries and photography shows and continues to grow in her online presence and work experience. Her expertise and unique but expressive voice is increasingly in demand and Migella undoubltedy brings a level of professional and thematically oriented creative direction that sets her work apart from the competition.